The Boys of Summer

As we continue preparing to launch our SS22 range, here's another little insight into what was floating our boat when we began to conceive it.

Back in the summer of '69, NASA managed to put men on the moon. Prior to that, its astronauts trained extensively in Alaska, Hawaii and Arizona, before a prolonged period in the barren landscape of Iceland's Central Highlands region. All later agreed this was the best possible preparation for their trip to the moon.

While the story of this iconic moment in human history is interesting enough on its own, there's even more to admire when you begin to examine the outfits.

With the theme of our SS22 range being Evolve and Explore, it's natural that our space-inspired theme should be influenced by the strong primary colours of the Apollo mission astronauts.

We'll reveal more in due course. In the meantime check those jackets out. 😎